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Why Youth Leadership is important?

There many reasons why Youth Leadership is important. I'll name three in this response.

Development of the Self

As a developing youth, youth leadership would start off by meaning self-leadership. Being able to lead the self develops what we know as independent thinking, confidence, autonomy, decision making and many more. So youth leadership is important for them to develop the capability to develop one self. This is also crucial before the next step, where he or she decides on the identity he or she wants. Self-leadership is being able to exercise delayed gratification in view that it would yield more profits later.

Development of the Identity

Once there is self-leadership, the next step for most of these youth leaders is group leadership. This is where they begin leading clubs and societies in school to begin their journey in learning to persuade, influencing and listening to others. This is important to begin building their social skills and to understand their place in the community. If one does not develop that sense of ownership for one's position in the community, the development of their identity as a person may be at risk. A developing teen that does develop their identity would be a teen that is easily influenced by their peers, based on their basic instinct of pain and gain. I will follow those who makes me feel wanted and needed, and reject those who reject me. An identity helps the teen decide whether it is right or wrong, based on what they have decided their identity is.

Development of the Community

And finally, group leadership evolves into community leadership. Once our teens have mastered the elements of group leadership, they will move on to bigger things, which is to lead a community. This is where we begin the real work of training future leaders to lead our country. Simply put, this is the country's succession planning. Once the current leaders cannot lead no more, youth leaders are what takes over in the future. And this is a long and repetitive process of learning and developing.

In a nutshell, YOUTH LEADERSHIP is important for the future of the community and the country. Without youth leadership, there will never be the next leaders in line and there will be no one to pass on the torch of the community. SO start them young by letting make decision like what to eat, what to wear, what they want to do, but also guide them. Then show them how delay gratification will get them more, this is crucial as research as shown that people who can exercise delayed gratification, tend to make better decisions and are more successful later in life. This is apparent when they hit their teenage years, especially in choosing a group of friends, or being patient with their team maters in a youth project. But finally, all these comes up to when they stand up and lead the community towards a greater nation.

SO that is why youth leadership is important.

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